chpt1.txt (of bert) A BOOK BY THE PHOENIX reprinted with the permission of David Alexander Chapter One Bert Ellis was daydreaming again. His gaze was softly focused on the figure of Carole Van Hoff as she jumped and gyrated at cheerleader practice. Bert couldn't hear the cheers extrolling the virtues of fighting for good old Walter Williams Memorial High School, but he had a great view of the incredibly sexy girl. Her blond hair rocketed up and gently floated down with every graceful leap; Bert imagined those Delft china-blue eyes fastened on him, lust- ful and wanton. Her firm, young tits barely swayed or bounced. That was good. Bert didn't like big floppy boobs. At least, he didn't think he did. He wasn't sure what he really liked in a woman. He had lots of fantasies - Carole's seduction being primary one in his head right now - but damn little experience. If pressed on the issue, Bert would have to admit to no experience at all. He was a virgin. The heartening words of some sage kept coming back in his dream-filled existence."Virginity is a curable perversion." He wanted to be cured in the worst way. The only trouble was, he didn't know how to go about it. He wasn't ugly or even very pimply-faced. While he wasn't the athlete his friend Cruncher Hiatt was, he was not the ninety-eight pound weakling in the "before" pictures in all the magazines. He just didn't know how to go about getting a girl to jump in bed with him. But he had plans. There was a city-wide photo contest. The first prize wasn't much, but a national magazine would print the winning photograph. Bert was one hell of a photographer and he saw this as a solution to a lot of his problems. If he could convince Carole she should pose for him, and he won the contest, he'd be famous and she'd be famous. She would have him, Bert Ellis, to thank for the launching of a long and profitable modelling career. And she could thank him with that gorgeous body of hers. His eyes never left Carole's dancing, twirling, trim figure. The tight crimsom sweater offset the cascade of blonde hair nicely, Bert thought. And the pleated white dress that came to mid-thigh swirled and revealed those fine, slender, shapely legs and pert, tight ass so nicely. He could watch her all day, even if it made him uncomfortable. His erection strained against his blue jeans and bulged ominously. He hoped old battleaxe Mrs. Entwhistle didn't call on him. It would be excruciatingly embarrassing to have to stand up in front of the class with that telltale tenting in his pants. Luckily, Bert escaped the class without having to be put on exhibit. When the bell rang to signal the end of class, the last clang had barely died by the time Bert was outside the building and running pell-mell through the milling students over to where Carole and the other four cheerlead- ers practiced. He cast a quick, covetous glances at the others. He had heard lots of things about them from Cruncher. Cruncher claimed to have made it with all of the cheerleaders except Carole. Judy was short, brunette and has a gymnist's body. Every curve and contour was just right for the maximum turn-on. Laura was very short, at least six inches shorter than Bert's five foot eight, but she made up for her height in sheer sexiness. If there was such a thing as sex density, Laura would be one of the heaviest girls in the world. Bert would have made a play for her, except he'd have to wait in line forever. There wasn't a guy in school who wasn't drooling and panting after Laura. Redhaired Consuela was too tall for him, and that made him a bit uneasy. Of all the cheerleaders, Bert knew he'd probably have the best chance with Consuela because she earned some money doing modelling after school and on weekends. His come-on would be perfect for her. But her height... Then there was Lynn. Straight black hair, a fairly good body and great legs. Bert could barely drag his eyes away from those milky pillars that tantalizingly disappeared up under her skirt into that mysterious land between her legs. But Bert focused all his attentions on the blonde Carole. He thought if he even said hello to any of the others, he'd lose that momentum, that carefully nurtured nerve he had built up to ask Carole to pose for him. He wished it could be in the nude, but he knew he had better not spring anything like that on her. He'd just ask to shoot some pictures of her in an artsy-craftsy motif, possibly out in the woods. Maybe she'd be so grateful for the chance to pose for a real live photographer, he could fuck her right then and there and wouldn't even have to win the contest. Almost out of breath, he came skidding up to a halt in front of Carole. "Gee, hi Carole!" he blurted. "Hello." Her voice dripped chilled water and turned to icicles in front of his very eyes. "Uh, Carole you know about the picture contest? I'd sure like to have you pose for some pictures, and I'm sure we could win, I mean the picture would win and you'd have national publicity and I'd win the..." His voice trailed off as he saw her looking over his shoulder, not paying the least bit of attention to him. "Excuse me, Bert. Hi Tony!" She raced over to Tony diMaria, the suave, handsome student body president. They went off together, his arm around her waist and Carole snuggling close to him. Bert watched dejectedly as they disappeared in the direction of the A&W stand. That should have been him instead of Tony going with Carole to get a couple of root beers. He'd have to think of some other tactic to get her to agree. Maybe if he went over to her house later in the afternoon, he could talk to her. That was it. She just didn't want to seem to eager in front of the other cheerleaders. Bert was positive he could talk her into posing for him if he could see her privately. With his great photographic ability and her even better figure, he couldn't lose. He was sure. He slowly made his way to Carole's house, waiting long e- nough to insure that she'd be home. He wasn't quite sure what to say now that his first request had been put aside so easily by the gorgeous, flaxen-haired girl. He squared his shoulders and marched up the green bisque tile walk to the front door. He punched to doorbell fiercely as if he could drive out all his fears this way and, in what seemed an eternity, the portal finally swung open. It was Carole's mother. Bert gulped once as he looked at the woman. He was always amazed at how much she looked like her daughter. The same platinum blonde hair, slightly taller and fuller of figure, but that only made her look more mature. To be Carole's mother, Robin van der Hoff didn't look old at all. Certainly not thirty-nine years old. "Hello, Bert," her voice was soft and smooth it seemed to reach out and gently caress the young photagrapher. He couldn't help but eye her in appreciation. She was wearing a soft flowing, diaphonous dressing gown. Her figure was totally hidden, but the draft from the open door pressed the filmy green material back against her. Robin looked like one of those models, posing for a lingerie ad, that Bert never failed to get a hard-on looking at. "Uh, hi, Mrs. van der Hoff. Is Carole in? I'd like to talk to her." "Come on in and I'll get her." Bert couldn't keep his eyes off her as the older woman flowed down the hallway with an elegance and easy grace that even her daughter lacked. Bert heard Mrs. van der Hoff speaking with Carole. All of the converstion he overheard faded as one segment burned itself into his mind. Carole had said "That creep? I'm leaving. Tell him I'm not home yet and you don't know when I'll be back." Robin returned a few minutes later to find Bert sitting numbly in an overstuffed chair staring out into the backyard, watching crisp gold, yellow, and orange leaves fall from the deciduous trees to form a gentle, multi-hued carpet on the lawn. "Bert," Robin's voice called to him, soft, magnetic, colorful. For a brief instant, he mangaed to compare it to the picturesque backyard. "Carole doesn't want to talk to you. Is something wrong? Can I help?" Bert was in a daze of rejection. Carole had totally and irrevocably dismissed him. "It doesn't matter, Mrs. van der Hoff. Thanks." As he stood, he felt cool, long fingers on his arm restraining him. He looked down and Robin was hanging onto his arm preventing him from leaving. Bert's eyes slowly traced the creamy line of her arm to the green mist of her dressing gown. He noticed it had come untied at the throat and was now open and exposing the very tops of her breats. He heavily sat back down and just stared at her. She asked again, "Is there anything I can do?" Her azure eyes studied him with a mixture of sympathy and understanding - and something else Bert wasn't sure he recognized. Under he persuasive questioning, he finally spilled the entire story. And somehow, he managed to tell her he was still a virgin. His ears burned a flaming red when he realized how much he had told this woman about some very personal things. She seemed a sympathic listener and, right now, that was what Bert needed. "Bert, my daughter is...a bit distant. But it's for about the same reason you're so upset now. She isn't sure of her- self, and by building a wall around herself, she can fend off anyone she isn't sure about. It's one way to keep from getting hurt. "Yeah, maybe you're right. But the wall seems to be more of an iceberg." "It could just be your approach, Bert. I have an idea. Why don't you pretend I'm Carole and ask me to pose for you? It'll give you an opportunity to see how she'll react." Robin settled comfortably down on the large sofa and faced Bert, her trim calves peeking out from under her thin covering. Bert wasn't certain, but Robin finally convinced him to try. He presented his case but found it difficult. The top tiestring of her green dressing gown exposed more and more of her silky-fleshed tits as she leaned forward. The gentle bounce and sway of her boobs rustled the flimsy fog-like material and excited Bert immensly. As much as he tried to prevent it, he found himself growing hard. In an attempt to control his body, he quickly looked at the floor to keep from staring at her now half-exposed breasts with the ruddy tips peering through the fabric. This made his erection throb and hurt even more. The emerald green gown had scooted up, and now he had an un- restricted view of Robin's legs all the way to mid-thigh. The creamy, lusciously smooth skin stirred emotions inside him that he tried desperately to deny. As Robin slowly, provocatively opened her legs into a wide V, he caught the merest flash of fleecy blonde pussy peering out at him from under the pile of nylon. "What's the matter, Bert? You look uncomfortable hot. Come over here and let me take your sweater off for you." Bert felt as if he were no longer in control of his own actions. It was someone else controlling his legs when he rose and went to sit beside the mother of the girl he so desperately wanted to screw. It was someone else who allowed her to take off his sweater, shirt, and started skinning him out of his jeans. When he was totally naked, the emo- tional impact of what was happening slowly dissipated. He was still confused but no longer shocked into inactivity. His fingers fumblingly untied another of the tiestrings on Robin's gown. Her smile encouraged him to continue. Soon, the Brazilian topaz-green material seemed to hang like the banks of a river, a river of white, tantalizing flesh. Robin stood and slowly shrugged her shoulders and the dressing gown fell away and she stood totally naked for Bert's now lusting examination of her body. As he hungrily eyed her, he almost came right then and there. That would have been the supreme embarrassment. He managed to quiet his churning nuts and just gaze at Carole's mother. She was prettier than any of his wet dreams. Blonde, beautiful, willing. Bert didn't have the experience - yet - to really appreciate everything being offered him. The skyblue eyes of the woman studied Bert but always came back to linger at his seven inch long erection. If Robin lusted after his man-size prong, Bert was confused as to what to desire most. Her boobs were a delight to behold - or hold. They were high set, firm with just enough slackness to dance and sway back and forth in gentle arcs when she moved. Robin moved well, he had to admit that. Everything seemed to be perfectly proportioned and she was as graceful as a high fashion model. She slowly turned for him to reveal every last secret of her body. For him! Bert couldn't understand it. He struck out with her daughter and now Robin was trying to seduce him. Trying? He'd make sure this lovely creature was successful! As her tits wove invisible circles in the air with their ruddy-brown tips, Robin turned her back to Bert. The smooth expanse of flesh flared to broad, womanly hips and the best ass Bert had ever seen. The legs and thighs presented to him were connisseur material. Shapely, trim, and long. Tiring of posturing for the boy. Robin reached out and pulled him down onto the soft bearskin rug in front of the fireplace. Bert irrelevently noticed it was a fake fireplace and didn't burn real logs. But when Robin kissed him, he knew the feeling of real fire instantly. As he luxuriated in the feel of the soft fur caressing his naked body, Robin's tongue edged into Bert's mouth and toyed with his oral member. He almost gagged, then got the hang of positioning his organ of taste so that Robin's delving member would stroke and lightly glide over his. They kissed for what seemed an eternity to Bert, and he reveled in every second of it! He couldn't believe his good luck. His first lay! Panic struck him when Robin reached down and gripped his firm cock. What if he didn't do it right? Almost as if she had a killing touch, he felt his hard-on wilt. Robin didn't seem to notice. She began massaging his balls, tweaking and delicately pinching his scrotum, gently running her long fingers through his pubic hair. As she breathed heavily in his ear, hot breath exciting him, she managed to whisper, "Don't worry about anything, darling. I'll take care of you. Just lay back and enjoy it." Tongues of flames licked at his ear as her wet, warm ton- gue flicked in and out. She gently nibbled his earlobe as she continued her manual stroking of his penis. Bert was both surprised and happy when his cock began to stir and rear its proud head again. Robin quickly grabbed its burgeoning full length and began stroking. Her fingers felt cool, but Bert experienced intense erotic fire burning and searing in his tool from the base to the very tip. It slowly occured to his pleasure filled mind he could be doing something with his hands. He reached out and took both of Robin's jugs firmly in hand. He slowly, rythmmically squeezed them and was pleased when she emitted a low, shuddery sigh of pleasure. The nipples seemed to expand and grow as he played with them. It fascinated him to watch the the tiny reddish-brown nubbins erupt into hard, blood-fill- ed little fingers pointing at him. His hands soon became cramped and he did what came naturally. He pulled Robin to him and began suckling at her tits. This seemed to excite her immensely and the feeling of her breathing increase excited Bert, too. He had to try to control himself because he could feel the sperm and semen crouching in his balls for the long spring down his iron-hard love pipe. He tongued the nipples and pushed them around in small circles, back and forth until Robin continually moaned and once even emitted a little shreak. It scared Bert for a second, then he figured everything was still all right because she tightened the grip on his cock. His firmly clutched manhood began to throb and jerk with ever greater frequency. He knew he couldn't hold off much longer even though he wanted to and experience everything with Robin. "Ro...Robin, please. It's feeling so hot, and I'm going to come." He gulped as she continued to slowly stroke up and down his length with those agonizingly pleasurable needles of sensation leaping from her every touch, no matter how slight. "Just...lie back, Bert, dear." Robin flowed up and straddled the boy's waist. She held him captive both physically and mentally. Bert stared down his supine length in awe as he watched the satin thighs position themselves on each side of his body. He was totally enthralled when Robin rose up slightly, spread her blonde, fur-rimmed cuntal lips and dragged Bert's cock to the gates of Eden. At least that's what it felt like to Bert. The moist, liquid feeling as his glans touched her outer labia almost brought him off. He resisted and found the effort worthwhile. He watched his red, swollen length slowly swallowed by that golden-covered pussy as Robin gradually lowered her body over his. Soon the blonde hairs of her furry little triangle inter-mixed with his black pubic hair in an erotic, living, pulsing kinectic sculpture. Things really got pulsing when Robin used her cuntal muscles to squeeze down on Bert's entrapped, quivering cock. He felt hot jabs of fire and ice leap into his loins as she clamped down on his manly length like the jaws of a velvet-lined vice. When she began fucking him, Bert couldn't keep from twitching and wiggling his hips under her! In his position, he had to be content to let her fuck herself on his impaling spike of flesh and just enjoy the feeling of the sensuous fur under him and the warm body of the wanton woman against his groin. And fuck herself she did. Slowly at first, then faster and faster as her passions mounted. Soon clutching her own tits and squeezing the nipples while royally screwing herself on Bert's jutting cock. Robin came. The woman's climax caused her encasing cunt to convulse and grab wildly at Bert's rod in a giant's powerful grip. The flames that had simmered now exploded and raced through his body, along every nerve, overloading the pleasure centers of his brain. He was vaguely aware of spewing forth his come into Robin's hungering cunt, but it was secondary to the universe of sensation that had been revealed to him. Bert tried to explore every corner of the new, erotically filled galaxy of exploding stars and burning lust, but all too soon it died to a smoldering ember. Back in the real world, feeling limp from the nervous and physical release, he saw Robin continue wildly, wantonly fucking herself on his still rigid dick. She got off once more then slowed and stopped, exhausted. She finally rose and allowed Bert's limp penis to wetly slide from her sex slash. His once mighty pole was covered with cunt juice and his own seed. The now flaccid organ smeared the golden hairs of Robin's delectible enticing pussy with the liquid sex of their fucking. She didn't seem to care or notice. "How was it, Bert? Your first time." He did nothing but look at her nakedness. Bert was no longer a virgin. In a flash, it occurred to him that he couldn't have gotten himself laid with such expertise by Carole or any of the other girls he knew. Robin had too many years of practice behind her to even be considered in the same league as the kids he went to school with. He just nodded, wondering how he could get some more of that beckoning, fabulous manhole of Robin's. Bert looked down between his legs at his sleeping snake, then wondered if it was dead forever. His face must have conveyed some of the message racing in his mind because Robin laughed, then said, "Don't worry. It isn't broken. It'll be as good as new in a little while. But you better go now. Carole might come back and I doubt if she'd understand." For the first time, what he had done impacted like a sledgehammer blow on Bert's consciousness. "Your husband!" he explained in a choaked voice. Robin donned her green dressing gown and merely said, "He's out of town a lot. He won't be back from this sales trip for a couple of weeks, but I don't wnat Carole to know. You'd better leave, Bert. Now." Bert quickly dressed and left. Looking over his shoulder as he went out the door, he saw Robin sitting on the sofa, a cigarette dangling from her long fingers and the slightest touch of a smile dancing at the corners of her mouth. "Goodbye, Bert." He qucikly closed the door behind him. Outside, he almost yelled for all to hear, "I'm the biggest stud around!" Instead, he was content to just go off, whistling tunelessly, secure in his knowledge that he was now a man.